At what cost to ourselves do we remain in a relationship? Likely this is not a question we ever ask ourselves. But, why not?
Could it be that in our lives we settle? Are we too embarrassed to admit when the individual we have chosen to spend our lives with is not who they were at the beginning of the relationship? The answer is yes.
The wrong kind of love includes emotional warfare. A destructive game played in a relationship when a person chips away at the very foundation of another individual. Emotional warfare is an invisible dagger to the heart. You don't see it coming when confronted. Below are some examples of :
Emotional Abuse
- Name calling: “you’re a bitch, a whore, fat, ugly, stupid, slut, trash”.
- You are constantly told that you are crazy, that you need a psychiatrist; they threaten to have you committed. They tell your children that you are crazy and make them believe that they are not safe with you. They hide personal items in an attempt to convince you or others that, “you are losing it.”
- They intentionally say things to embarrass you in front of others. They make remarks about your appearance or belittle you. They talk over you if you are engaged in conversation, or consistently contradict you in an effort to discredit you, or make you feel stupid.
You can read the rest of this very important article at Times Up!
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229
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