Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Basic Blocks

There are 4 basic blocks that we have covered in class.

1. The rising block

This is where the top arm wraps with the front of your fist facing your ear and you rotate your arm on an angle to a position just in front and slightly above your head.

2. The down block

Your wrap for the down block is exactly the same as for a rising block. However, the blocking hand drops like a pendulum to a position slightly above the knee. There is a rotation of the forearm just before impact.

3.  Inside Block

The two fists come together off of the shoulder and the outside fist is rotated to a center position in front of your body.

4. Outside Block

The bottom arm is the arm that rotates to the outside position to block.  The other arm is above and covers (protects the head or upper body).

Below is a pretty good video I found on youtube that covers these for blocks.  Just note, the difference on the inside block.   In the video, the instructor has his other arm straight out, I teach it with your two fist together when you first learn this technique.

Remember, as you start to develop good technique with these blocks, they will become an important part of your self defense. A good block eventually becomes a good strike

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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