Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fitness Test

 We started off today with everyone entering their initials in the attendance book.  Since attendance is such an important element of your grade, students want to be sure they put their mark in the book, even if you arrive late for class.  Unless you are tardy consistently, you will get credit for class  -- but you must log in or you do not receive credit.

After dealing with some of the administrative chores of a new semester (health surveys and syllabus acknowledgement forms), we started class with a fitness or PT test.

Fitness Test

Students were required to run 3 laps and then measure their pulse and it was recorded.  After that, we did a 2 minute fitness challenge for jumping jacks, squats, push ups and crunches.  The purpose of the fitness test, is to establish a BASE LINE of health.  As students participate in class throughout the semester, we will be doing cardio and core strength building exercises and I want my students to track their progress.  It is my hope, that all students will see a marked improvement and continue to train, long after the semester has ended!

Why the emphasis on fitness?

Simple really!

Under duress, such as an assault,  the mind tells the body to go all out.  Unfortunately, if the victim is not healthy or in bad shape, they run out of steam very quickly.  The body's adrenal response, combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, typically spells "doom" for the victim.  We train to get our bodies to a level of fitness that can survive an assault.

How to make a fist

After taking a quick break from the fitness test, the students gathered around and we spent the last few moments of class, talking about striking and how to form a proper fist.

Without getting too technical, there are a couple of important points to note about your fist.

1.  Curl your fingers into the palm of your hand, squeezing your fingers together.

2.  Place your thumb across the first two fingers as shown above.

3.  A tight fist will make your wrist strong, so be sure to tighten your fist at the moment of impact.


I won't try to explain the whole process of striking here, rather, we will discuss this in class.  However, there are a few things to consider:

1.  Beginner students typically punch from what we call a "chamber.  Our fists are aligned at our side at approximately our first rib, with the top of our hand facing the floor.

2.  You want to try and remain somewhat relaxed, with the shoulder and elbow down.

3.  Just prior to impact, the fist rotates with the top of the hand facing up, with contact typically coming from the first two knuckles of the punch hand.

Correct alignment of your fingers and wrist are important, in order to prevent injury as well as increase functional power.

I have provided a screen shot below of a very brief, but nice explanation that explains forming a fist:

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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