Friday, November 25, 2011

7 Myths About Sexual Assault and Dating Violence

Sexual assault survivors are men and women and boys and girls of all races and social class, but 80% of them are under 30 years old when the violence takes place. talked with Megan McKendry, a board member of Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER), who dispelled 11 myths about sexual assault and dating violence.

Myth: Most rapists are strangers.
Fact: 77% of female sexual assault victims know their assailants. On college campuses, 9 out of 10 female victims know their attackers.

Myth: If victims don't aggressively fight back, they weren't raped.
Fact: Intentional sexual contact without consent of the other person constitutes sexual assault, regardless of whether or not victims fight back. Victims may not use physical force for a number of reasons, including fear or physical incapacitation.

Myth: Rape requires the use of a weapon.
Fact: According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 80% of rape and sexual assault incidents do not involve a weapon.

Myth: "Promiscuous" women cannot be raped.
Fact: Just because someone has consented to sex many times beforehand does not mean that he or she has consented to all future sexual acts. All 50 states have "rape shield laws" that apply to criminal cases and limit the introduction of evidence regarding a victim's sexual history.

Myth: Men cannot be raped.
Fact: 1 out of 33 men will be a victim of rape or sexual assault in his lifetime.

    You can read the rest of the article at

    Sensei Chris Feldt
    Columbia, SC 29229

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