Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prescription Drugs And Environmental Self Defense

Environmental self defense is one of the elements of my karate curriculum; the idea being that we have to protect our planet, just like we protect ourselves from assault.  Saving our precious resources and reducing our consumption, just makes good common sense.

One area that has recently caught my attention is the proper disposal of prescription drugs.  What do we do with the medicine that sits in our cabinet unused?

Did you know, that the human body, even when it consumes the prescription drug, typically does not metabolize all of the drug and it ends up in our water through human waste and/or sweat?  And want to know what most people do with their unused medication....they dump it in the toilet and flush it down!

You can find out more about this problem by visiting Circle of Blue.  You might want to sign up for their news letter as they do a good job of keeping you informed about what is going on with the earth's oceans and waterways.

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"When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."  BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

This blog post is a part of The Ultimate Black Belt Test (, an undertaking of The 100 (, and a part of Samurai Karate Studio (

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