Friday, November 25, 2011

What To Do If You Or Someone You Know Has Been Raped

No one expects to be in the position of dealing with the aftermath of an attack, so here’s what you need to know.

-Find a safe location away from the perpetrator. Ask a close friend to be with you for support.

-If you are still in the location where you were raped (for example, if it happened in your apartment or dorm room), don’t clean, straighten up, or remove anything.

-Report the crime to law enforcement, campus police, or a trusted school administrator.

-Don’t take a shower, wash your hands, brush your teeth, eat, or smoke.

-Preserve all evidence of the attack—don’t wash your clothing or sheets, etc.

-Write down all the details you can recall about the attack and the perpetrator.
Read more: What to Do If You or Someone You Know Has Been Raped - Cosmopolitan

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