Monday, October 10, 2011

The 4 Arts of The Samurai

The Samurai were great warriors that lived hundreds of years ago.  While their primary responsibility was to serve their lord, even if it meant making the ultimate sacrifice, they would not hesitate to do that.  After all, honor was a key character trait of the Samurai and giving your life in the service of your lord was a "good" death.

For all the fighting skills these men and women possessed, most people don't realize how well educated the Samurai were.

The 4 Arts of the Samurai

The Samurai studied poetry, music, art and self defense.  From an early age, Samurai boys spent much of their day in class, studying the humanities as well as the sciences.  They were typically well versed in religion and philosophy; as well as in math and history.

Aside from their combat training and schooling, another revealing characteristic about the Samurai was their focus on family.  The family was the center of their life and they would do anything to promote it as well as protect it.

While I admire the Samurai for their legendary fighting skills, I am equally impressed with their desire for education and you can better understand why they were admired and feared throughout the land.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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