Monday, October 10, 2011

Personal Space

As a general rule, I try to stay alert at all times and avoid a confrontation that involves a physical reaction to a threat.


It's just much safer to avoid confrontation than engage in it.  It doesn't matter how skilled a martial artist you are, there is always a chance that the attacker will get that "one" good punch or kick in that gets you by surprise and knocks you down, or worse, knocks you out!

Personal space is a concept to think about all the time.  It's kind of like your own alert status!  The moment someone approaches your personal space, you should be looking for escape.

The moment that person walks into your personal space, if escape is not an option, you need to go into self defense mode.

Personal Space Rules

1.  Anything approaching 20 feet from where you are standing should cause you to think about escape and avoidance.

2. As the attacker approaches, you want to maintain a minimum of two arm lengths away from your attacker at all times if possible.

Why two arm lengths?  The attacker is still out of range to strike with a punch or a kick and they still can't grab a hold of you.

3.  Once you have determined the attacker is going to enter 1 arms length, and you feel threatened, it is my opinion that you do whatever is necessary to protect yourself.  If escape is an option, always take it; however, don't be afraid to make the first strike if you feel your life is in danger.

Personal space is a very simple concept, but one I find many beginner students don't pay attention to.  In large measure, I think repeated training helps the student become more aware; thus able to avoid confrontation more often than not.

Legally, use the personal space principle in determining the threat to you and do what is necessary to survive.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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