Monday, October 10, 2011


We work on 5 basic kicks in beginner karate.....the front kick, the 1/2 round, the round, the side kick and the back kick.

All but the back kick have 2 chambers, which are utilized for more power in the kick.

Front Kick

From guard stance
Square up your hips to the front
Use the back leg (beginners)
2 chambers
Weapon is the ball of your foot

1/2 Round Kick

Use lead leg from guard stance
2 chambers
Keep knee horizontal
Weapon is the top of your foot (or toes if you have on heavy shoes)

Round Kick

Use back leg from guard stance
Don't forget to pivot that front foot to avoid ankle pressure (injury)
Keep knee horizontal (same kick as 1/2 round, just from rear leg)
Same two chambers as 1/2 round kick
Weapon is the top of your foot

Side Kick

Use lead leg from guard stance
2 chambers (first chamber points back with hip pointed at attacker)
Weapon is the heel

Back Kick

Use the rear leg from guard position
Look back over opposite shoulder to look at attacker
No chambers
Weapon is the heel

With these 5 kicks, you will be able to protect yourself in most self defense encounters.  The side and back kick are generally considered the strongest and the 1/2 round and front the quickest.  With practice, all of the kicks can become lethal and fast!

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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