Monday, October 10, 2011

Take Downs

This will be a short review of the two basic take downs we work in class.

The idea is to take your attacker down, regardless of their size.  This can be quite challenging for a smaller woman, however, if the techniques are applied properly, size really won't matter and you will be able to take down any person if necessary.

Take Downs

For beginner students, I focus on two basic take down concepts.

1.  The first one is to place your hip (right hip in this example) against the right hip of your attacker.  You want to place your right heel behind your attackers right heel.  Your hands should be on both shoulders of your attacker.

You want to push with your right hand and pull with your left hand, creating a circular motion with the attackers upper body.  At the same time, you want to press your hip into your attackers hip and keep the attackers right leg secure.

The concept behind this take down is to rotate the attackers upper body around your hip and drop them to the ground.

2.  The second basic take down is particularly effective against a larger attacker.  You want to place your hands in the same position as the previous take down was described, but this time, you want to plant your right foot around the attackers right leg and place the ball of your foot in between his legs.  Your heel is up just before the moment of take down.  When you drive your heel down, it straightens your leg and rises up against the attackers and should have the effect of taking the attacker off balance onto one leg.  You rotate the upper body at the same time the heel drops and you should be able to drop your attacker to the ground.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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