Monday, October 10, 2011


Learning how to fall is an important aspect of your karate training.  First, you will be practicing with fellow students at times during class, and need to know how to fall when being taken down during a self defense form.

Secondly, you want to know how to fall to the ground, should you get knocked down by an attacker.  This is more important, as you get older and you are more susceptible to injury.

The 4 B's of Falling

Whenever you practice falling, always practice with the 4 b's:

1.  Bite down (to protect your teeth and avoid biting your tongue)
2.  Bare down (touch your chin to your chest)
3.  Breathe in to get large
4.  Breathe out as you break-fall (slap hands to ground at 45 degree angle to your body)

Always practice in the beginning from the sitting position.  As you gain more confidence, you can move to a squatting position and then eventually standing tall.

Remember, even when standing tall, you will always try to get into that squatting position before reaching the ground.  You DON'T want to fall like a tree in the forest -- or you might get injured.

The point of the fall is to let your bottom absorb as much of the fall as possible, as you spread the energy to your back and arms.  You never want to let your spine make contact with the ground, as well as your head.

Here is the sequence of last semester's students doing a backfall:

One last thing....when you reach the ground, you want to kick your legs straight out anywhere from 6-12  inches off the ground.  This will prevent you from rolling backwards and find yourself in a very awkward and dangerous position if under attack.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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