Monday, October 10, 2011

Basic Elbows

On often over-looked tool in our self defense arsenal is our elbows.  This is a very powerful joint in our arm and the bone is relatively strong and can inflict a powerful blow.

In beginner karate, we focus on 6 basis elbow techniques that cover a wide range of self defense situations.

Elbow # 1

This is a lateral strike with the attacker generally in front of you.  You strike with inside of the elbow as you post up with the back of your hand on your chest.

Elbow # 2

This is for the attacker who is right behind you.  You flick your hand out and drive your elbow straight back.

Elbow # 3

This is for the attacker that is in front of you as you move the elbow up vertical as you attempt to make contact with the tip of the elbow under the attackers chin.  This is also a great covering technique, especially someone trying to hit you on the head with round house type punches or even worse, maybe a hard object like a stick.

Elbow # 4

We use the tip of our elbow and drive vertically straight down.  We often use a principle called "drop heavy" where you jump down into the strike.  This increases the energy when exacting your blow.

Elbow # 5

You point your elbow in a horizontal position and slide to your side as the tip of your elbow strikes the attacker.

Elbow # 6

This is the elbow where you stand like you are preparing to throw a football, and you drop heavy in a circular motion downward.  This is typically an elbow that might go to the back of an attackers head who is bending over.

Obviously, I am just briefly describing the elbows here as simply as possible.  We covered them in much more detail in class.  The idea is to remind you of the techniques enough to jog your memory and practice them on your own or in class.

Elbows are a great "inside" tool to use when defending yourself in close to your attacker.  They can unleash a mean strike and take quite a bit of abuse.

Sensei Chris Feldt
Samurai Karate Studio
Columbia, SC 29229

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